
Stomach capacity

I think the generally accepted amount is something in the area of 1 or 2 liters. But of that I'm not entirely sure, I think I read it somewhere a long time ago.
13 years

Stomach capacity

I've been eating a LOT the last two months and I was kinda sceptical about the whole stomach strech theory: I figured it would take years. But boy was I wrong ... I used to be stuffed for the the rest of the night after a big meal, now I eat a bigger meal, wash it down with a liter of soda and eat an entire pizza 2 hours later with another liter of soda to wash that down. Then I spend the rest of the evening munching snacks.

I haven't gained much weight at all though, but as a foodee, enjoying myself goes first, weight is a pleasant side effect smiley.
12 years